The cities alliance global programme on cities and migration
The cities alliance global programme on cities and migration
Jinja Municipal Council is among the Five Municipalities participating in the TSUPU project funded by cities alliance and other partners of which establishment of a functional Municipal Wide Development Forum is one of the subcomponents in the project. The Jinja Urban Forum was established in the year 2010 and officially launched by the Minister of Lands Housing and Urban Development. With funding from World Bank and other partners, the Municipal Development Forum in its work plan planned to have an exposure study visit to Arua as one of the activities to be undertaken. Therefore the Municipal Development Forum left Jinja for Arua on a three days tour starting from 15th January to 17th January 2014.
The siege has been on since the night of April 3 following a downpour that resulted in flooding of the newly-constructed Shs28b Jinja Central Market. This left many traders counting losses after water leaked into hundreds of stores causing extensive damage to merchandise, mostly stuff such as sugar, rice, maize flour and beans.
“My entire stock was purchased using a loan from a micro finance (institution). I have fallen back on payments. If I don’t sell the few household items I have, I will end up in prison,” says Hajati Masitula Namwebya.